Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Consider a pin ball...

then consider my thought processes. So similar. I go from one place to another in my mind just like that little pin ball in that big machine. Ricocheting left and right and up and down. It doesn't help that my screen saver is a bunch of pictures - taking me down memory lane. Which is so fun..but kind of distracting.

This is why I need your prayers. I am on an intense week of writing and my brain goes from one thought to another - and they're usually not connected. Help!! I just want to be able to write two consecutive paragraphs without getting distracted. This is why I absolutely cannot facebook right now. (Maybe someday)

On a random note - (here I go...) Did you know that at the McDonald's in Chambersburg, PA they have high definition TVs and video games?! What happened to the good old play ground?

OK - enough distracting myself, I'm back to work!

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