Friday, October 24, 2008

No Whey, Jose!

We found out this week that Ethan is allergic to dairy products. Bless his heart, his stomach has been so upset! Bless my heart - no more icecream!

I will say that it is extremely difficult to eat absolutely no dairy products. Yes, the lack of icecream and iced mochas is devastating - but did you know that there is milk in Taco Seasoning?! I'm not lying! I thought I had planned the perfect non-dairy menu last night. Tacos - minus the cheese and sour cream - with corn salsa and avacados. Not a problem, right?! Wrong. It turns out that there are whey solids - a milk product - in taco seasoning. I had already browned the meat and the corn salsa with avacados was already made, so I had to proceed. The heroine of Little Women, Josephine March, said "Necessity is indeed the mother of invention," so I made my own taco seasoning. A lot of chili pepper, some cumin, a little of a bunch of other seasonings and voila! The non-dairy menu was saved!

If any of you have really tasty non-dairy recipes, send them my way!

1 comment:

T-Dawg said...

Look at you go!! You're just a master in the kitchen!! :) Love you!