Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Break out the bows...

we're having a GIRL! I can't believe it! I think ever since I was like 15 I thought I was going to have all boys. I never imagined I would have a girl. But here I am - having a girl!

I'm so excited! I can't wait to teach her everything! I can't wait to see her wrap her daddy around her finger. I can't wait to see her big brother give her sweet kisses and be her protector. I'm excited to have a little princess. Don't get me wrong for a second - I love my baby boy!!! But an occasional tea party will be fun, too. And big bows and doll houses and Little House on the Prarie books. I love her already - and I can't wait for her to meet all of her new friends and family.


Anonymous said...

REALLY?!?! Congratulations Sarah! That is so exciting! Time to start scoping out itty bitty dresses. :) Love you!

Lynda said...

I am so excited for you! As the mother of a boy and a girl, I think it's the best of both worlds! Congratulations!

Ken & Lisa said...

Ryan & Sarah~~~Congratulations, we just heard the wonderful news of your soon-to-be newest little blessing. We are so excited for you both. Little boys are so very precious, but it's so much fun dressing up little girls in all those fancy & frilly things. We'll be keeping you in our prayers. Love you guys! Ken, Lisa, Cassidy, Ketura, Brandi, Karisa & Brianna Hall:)