Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Broken Hearted

My heart is broken as I write. For the first time ever, my sweet baby reached for me, crying, as I said goodbye to him and left him in the very capable hands of his nanny. I used the same tactic my sister-in-law used with my niece five years ago, when she was crying and reaching in my arms for her mommy - Praise Baby. His sweet attention was focused on the screen and I was able to slip out. My attention, every thought since I left, has been on him. It's bittersweet. They say it makes you feel good to know that he loves you more than the nanny - and it does. But I hate to see him cry. I know he was probably happy and laughing before my car left the garage. And he'll be happy when I get home and pick him up.

For now, I need to do what I came here to do. Write Chapter 4. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to drink my decaf coffee, eat my apple cinnamon muffin, and write. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you. I feel better already. I'll leave you with some pics of that sweet baby. I hope they make you as happy as they make me.


Lynda said...

awwwwww he is a cutie!

Now... what is this I am hearing about you? hmmm

Jill said...

Sarah! He is such a cutie!! It is so hard to leave our little angels to be cared for by someone else...I feel your tears. A good friend of mine reminded me when I had to leave A that God loves him so much more than I even do and will protect and take care of him when I am not with him. Those words and that reminder made me feel peaceful every time I left. If you need anything please let me know...I will be home this summer :)
Love, Jill